借閱服務 Lending Services
Library Card
Holders of valid library cards may borrow and return library materials in our OSH Information Centre. A library card is not to be lent or transferred. A cardholder who has never applied for a library card can apply for it free of charge. The card is valid for 3 years and the card holder is required to apply for card renewal a month before the expiry date.

圖書證申請手續 (首次申請及續證)
- 個人證
1. 遞交填妥的圖書證申請表;及
2. 附上住址證明文件正本以便核對。
- 公司證
1. 遞交填妥的圖書證申請表;及
2. 附上商業登記證副本以便核對。
* 申請者可以親身或以郵寄方式遞交申請文件。本局為了確保文件的真確性,請恕不能接受以傳真或電郵方式遞交。
Library Card Application Procedure (New Application & Renewal)
- Personal Card
1. Complete and submit an application form
2. Attach an evidence of correspondence address for verification
- Corporate Card
1. Complete and submit an application form
2. Attach a copy of Business Branch Registration Certificate for verification
* You can either submit the application form and attachment in person or by post. In order to ensure the authenticity of the documents received, we regret that submission by fax or e-mail are NOT acceptable.

每名個人圖書證持有者最多可以外借兩本可供借閱之書籍,每次限期14 天。持有公司圖書證者可額外借閱最多兩盒錄影帶/影碟,限期為7天。
Borrowing Limit
Each Personal Card holder may borrow a maximum of 2 books for a period of 14 days. The Corporate Card holder can additionally borrow a maximum 2 video tapes/ DVDs for period of 7 days.

如無其他讀者預約借閱,每項外借資料最多可以連續續借兩次,每次為期14 天。讀者可親身到資訊中心續借資料,也可使用電話或網上續借服務。由於資料可能已被另一位讀者預約或因其他理由不能續借,使用電話或網上續借服務的讀者宜於資料歸還限期前最少一個工作天辦理續借手續,以確保未能續借時仍可及時歸還資料。
Renewal of Library Materials
Unless already reserved by another cardholder, each loan item may be renewed for up to two consecutive times with aperiod of 14 days for each renewal.
Library materials can be renewed in person, by telephone, or through the Internet. Since the loan item may have been reserved by another card holder or cannot be renewed for other reasons, it is recommended that renewal by telephone or through the Internet be made at least one working day before the due date to allow time for the prompt return of the loan item in case renewal is unsuccessful.

Reporting Loss or Replacement of Library Card
The card holder is suggested to report loss of his library card by telephone or in person inorder to prevent the unauthorized use of the lost card. Applicant apply for a replacement library card at a cost of HKD 50.